Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Are Brown Age Spots Making Your Life Miserable and You Need Them to Go Away?

Brown age spots can make your life miserable because they announce to the whole world that you are getting old. When you need to get rid of these spots, find the skin lightening product that will help you to erase these spots.

The best way of doing this is to use natural products. The use of many chemicals in skin lotions is far more prevalent than we realize. When you use products containing chemicals you are damaging your skin.

The best way to know what you are using when you purchase products to get rid of brown age spots is to read the label. Understand what you are buying before the purchase is made.

Brown age spots are not desirable and you may be willing to do anything to get rid of them. The one thing you want to make sure of is that you use a product that will not further damage your skin.

Many times hydroquinone is found in products that are advertised for the removal of age spots. The use of this ingredient has been recognized by many countries as being extremely dangerous.

Do not ever buy a product that contains this ingredient. The ingredient is linked to causing cancer and also as a highly allergic product. The problems it can cause will be more apt to darken your skin than to lighten it.

Find the products that contain ingredients that have been tested and proven to work. One of these is the cream for spot removal that has cyperus rotundas root extract. This ingredient has shown great results at helping to get rid of skin irritations and problems with medical conditions.

One of the tests conducted on this product have shown when this medication was used in a.5% strength it was able to block the production of melanin by 41%. In addition, there have been no side effects reported from using this product.

The brown age spots that you see on your skin are actually patches of melanin that has been produced as a result of UV exposure. The creation of new skin cells as a result of decreasing melanin is possible.

However, it takes some time for the new skin cells to get to the outer layer of skin. This is a process that can take anywhere from a 4 weeks to 8 weeks depending upon your age. An all natural ingredient that can help to fade these brown age spots faster is Cynergy TK. Because it contains keratin, when used in the proper concentration it can escalate the production of new skin cells up to 160%.

By : R_Kalpana

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