Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Home Treatment For Bacterial Vaginitis

If you have symptoms which include a fishy smelling vaginal discharge which is watery in consistency and gray or white in color, together with an unbearable itching and burning sensation around the vaginal area, it is very likely that you are suffering from the common condition known as bacterial vaginitis.

Fortunately, there are a number of simple strategies which can be used, with many women finding that home treatment for bacterial vaginitis is the best way forward.

Bacterial vaginitis is caused by an imbalance of the pH levels within the vagina. Under normal circumstances, the pH level of a healthy vagina is mildly acidic and this supports the beneficial bacteria which maintain the health of the vaginal tract. When the balance is upset, harmful bacteria will grow, causing the unpleasant symptoms of BV.

Although conventional treatment such as antibiotics and over the counter remedies can help bring some temporary symptomatic relief, they do not permanently cure bacterial vaginitis as they do nothing to attack the root cause.

Indeed, as it is often difficult to determine exactly what the root cause is in most individual cases, a multifaceted approach using an number of natural strategies is the only way to successfully eliminate BV. If you would like to try using home treatment for bacterial vaginitis, the following two remedies will get you on the road to recovery.

Probiotic Yogurt

Probiotic yogurt is rich in beneficial bacteria, of the sort which is depleted when you have bacterial vaginitis. Therefore by introducing it directly into the vagina this can kick-start your recovery as it will encourage the growth of new beneficial bacteria.

Try soaking a tampon in the yogurt and leaving it in place in the vagina for an hour or two. Although slightly messy, many women find that this can actually help to relieve some of the symptoms within hours.

Tea Tree Oil

Another good home treatment for bacterial vaginitis is tea tree oil. This is a powerful natural oil which has excellent antibacterial properties. Available in pessary form, these can be inserted directly into the vagina and will quickly get to work killing off the harmful bacterial. You can also try adding 12 drops to a shallow bath and sitting in it for around 20 minutes.

Although not harmful in its early stages, if bacterial vaginitis is left untreated it can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease and can even render some women infertile. Therefore, it is always a good idea to treat the condition promptly. You are particularly at risk if you get repeated attacks.

By treating BV naturally, you can quickly restore balance in the vagina and get back to normal within no time, even if you are a long term sufferer.

By : Miriam Hopton

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