Thursday, May 6, 2010

How to Choose Hair Removal - Chin

Chin Hair Removal: Permanent Or Temporary?

Many men and women don't like to have hair on their chins, and they would prefer to have it removed. If you are one of these people, don't be discouraged by this unwanted hair! There are many ways to get hair removal chin area, and here are a few of the best.

Although there are many different methods, they all boil down to being either permanent or temporary. First, let's look at the temporary methods.

The most common temporary method is shaving. Many men shave almost every day to keep their chins clean and without hair. This method is cheap and easy to do, but it requires constant care. It can become a chore after a while.

Depilatories are chemicals which are applied to the chin in order to dissolve the hair. This keeps hair from growing back for a long time. Though, it can be dangerous since you could get an allergic reaction to the chemicals. Make sure that your skin can handle it before you use these.

Waxing is a little more costly, but it is one of the most popular ways to get rid of hair removal from the chin. Waxing not only removes the hair, but it also has extra ingredients to soothe your skin. If you get redness or itchiness, then you can rub your chin with ice.

Next are the methods for the permanent removal of chin hair. These are generally more expensive than temporary removal, but after they're done you don't have to worry about it again.

First is electrolysis, which involves a needle destroying the follicles individually. If treatment is done by a professional, then electrolysis will permanently remove all the hair from your chin. It is a bit expensive, and requires a lot of sessions, but it is all worth it in the end.

By : Paul_J_Easton

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