Thursday, December 9, 2010

A Look At Different Menopause Treatment Solutions

Justify FullThere are three ways that a woman can get herself through the ups and down of menopause. The first is by just living through the process and trying to not take anything, most women do not find this option much fun. The second is to go to your local doctor and ask to be put on a drug regime. The problem with artificial drugs is that they can lead to some really serious side effects. The third method is with natural menopause treatment solutions.

When a menopausal women goes to her doctor and complains about her symptoms the first thing most doctors are going to suggest is hormone replacement therapy. The idea behind these treatment programs is that they will help balance the hormone levels in a woman's body and decrease the severity of her menopausal symptoms. While the treatments do usually ease the symptoms, hormone replacement therapy is not without some risk.

Since the onset of perimenopause means that the ovaries are starting to shut down, it also means that the woman is not producing the estrogen and proestrogen her body is accustomed to. The goal of the hormone replacement therapy is to make up for the loss.

The problem is that there have been several really severe side effects that have been linked directly to hormone replacement therapy. Women who indulge in hormone replacement therapy are more prone to developing blood clots, gall bladder disease, increasing blood pressure, strokes, breast cancer and endometrial cancer. The severity of the potential side effects often is enough to have the woman reconsidering and taking a hard look at natural remedies.

A prescribed hormone replacement therapy is not the only option available to women. Many of them opt for a more natural way of treating menopause. More and more women are trying out natural remedies before they go to the doctor. Natural treatments are ideal because they involve things that the woman's body needs anyway.

This means that not only will the woman be easing her menopausal symptoms but she will also be improving her overall health. There are several different herbs and natural supplements that a woman can take to make up for her decreasing levels of estrogen. Eating a balanced diet will also improve both her health and mood. Staying hydrated and sleeping in the same room with a table fan will help her keep the night sweats at bay and allow her to enjoy a full nights sleep.

One of the things that many women seem to forget is that just because they can not feel a symptom does not mean it will not effect their life. One of the biggest things that changes during and after midlife is that the woman's bones start to weaken. The deterioration of the bones can lead to all sorts of breaking, shrinking, and pain. The more diligent the woman is about consuming large amounts of calcium the better her over all health is going to be.

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