Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Uncomfortable Side Effects of Pregnancy

Pregnancy can bring with it a lot of excitement, anticipation and at the end, a beautiful baby. But pregnancy can also bring with it an untold amount of side effects, from morning sickness to other potentially life-threatening conditions.

Some conditions and side effects can be quite harmless to both mother and unborn child, but can still be, at the same time, quite uncomfortable. Some instances can spoil what should be a particularly happy time for any expectant mother. With this in mind, there are more and more women that are turning to natural treatments of acupuncture.

Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years but with a certain amount of doubt with some people. However, it is progressively being recommended by medical experts in the case of women who are pregnant.

It can help reduce all sorts of symptoms, particularly morning sickness with some women claiming it greatly reduced their morning sickness and other women saying it eradicated it altogether.

The use of acupuncture can also give your body a sense of calm, something that is most beneficial to a pregnant woman, after all you body is under enough stress when it is pregnant.

During the second trimester, it is also claimed to alleviate heartburn, a big and uncomfortable problem for a lot of women, along with hemorrhoids, another condition that can be quite uncomfortable.

It can also help with more serious conditions such as the treatment of Edema, elevated blood pressure and even excessive weight gain which can be the cause of these problems.

Although, if you have these symptoms then it is important that you are monitored by medical staff at the same time which will hopefully make sure that any medical conditions are able to be cured, and your pregnancy continues problem free.

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