Sunday, November 8, 2009

5 Tips to Help Yourself to an Easier Menopause

Now you have reached that time in your life when your body starts to change, you may start to suffer some of the side effects of the menopause.

Are you noticing that you start to have hot flushes and other menopausal symptoms? What can you do to help yourself.

1. If hot flushes are one of your problems start to drink about 2 cups of sage tea daily. Sage can help to lessen your flushes considerably.

If you can't get the tea then you will probably be able to buy the sage tincture in local health stores.

Follow the directions, but you will probably find that you need to take about 15 drops of the tincture in a little water.

2. Black cohosh (40 mg daily) can also help to lessen hot flushes through the production of oestrogen.

3. At this time of a woman's life you may be seeking to rebalance hormones, this is where Agnus castus comes in handy as it helps to produce more progesterone. Taking Agnus castus along with the herb donq quai for maximum effect.

4. You may want to check out the supplement DHEA, although this is only available on prescription, ask you doctor for this supplement if your menopausal symptoms worsen. DHEA is an adrenal hormone that can increase oestrogen levels, hence should help as you will find that with age DHEA levels are dropping. However, you may want to look into a natural progesterone cream (made from wild yam) as this contains a naturally occurring DHEA and has been shown to help.

5. You may have heard of the herb red clover. As this is high in B vitamins it has been shown to also help with menopausal symptoms.

These are some of the ways that you can help to eliminate menopausal symptoms so you can enjoy your 40s or 50s without suffering the adverse side effects the menopause can bring.

By : Roma Hudson

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