Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Bikini Hair Removal - Have You Talked to Your Mom?

Hair sprouting out of your cotton bikini or straying out of the bikini line is scarier than Freddy, read Nightmare on Elm Street.

Girls and young and not-so-young women share this nightmare and would rather avoid the beach than expose their vulnerability to raised eyebrows and scandalized titters. But if you are only 12, have you talked to your mom about having a bikini hair removal?

So you want a body hair removal treatment

Deciding to discuss intimate stuff with a parent can be agonizing. So how do you tell your mom you want to have those pesky hairs on your bikini line exterminated?

Truth to tell, this is not a problem but if you are only 12 mom might be horrified that their baby girl is now all grown up.

Some moms would not allow this but there are those who are ready to teach their babies the proper way to remove unwanted hair.

It becomes a life-and-death situation if all your friends are having a professional bikini hair removal treatment so discussing this with mom can be daunting.

It is not easy too to open up with a best friend but if your friend has had hair removal where it counts, you can tell her about your problem.

Now, here is the problem. Your friend may not know the pros and cons; there are things you should know before you hop to the salon or sharpen that razor.

It is not an ordinary routine, especially if it is your first time and you don't know the dangers that lurk if the procedure is mishandled.

Your friend's description of the salon process might appear simple but there are things you should know.

Salon workers are experienced and have been trained to the job accurately to prevent accidents and skin irritations.

The Right Stuff

Investing in hair removal cream might be an attractive option. Your mom won't know if you have bought a jar of depilatory cream but you face the possibility of incurring skin allergies that might become further irritated and infected.

Hence, it is smart to talk to mom about your problem - she would know what is best for you because you might not be aware that there are several types of hair removal - ingrown, genital and sugaring hair removal.

Yes Virginia, there are several techniques for a young girl like you, it is important to know what is best for you because once you indulge in this game, it becomes a lifetime necessity or you might be scarred for life with a botched procedure.

So you want to attempt to do it on your own? Hold it! If you want to shave that area, make sure you are using a new sharp blade doused with a mild disinfectant and you are never to reuse that blade if you want to avoid hurting yourself.

You have to inspect the area for bumps or end up shaving irritated skin surfaces that can become festering infections.

If this scares you enough, talk to your mom. She is the right person to guide you through this ritual of growing up. She has the bikini hair removal experience to know which would be best for you.

By : Sam_Clarke

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