Sunday, December 27, 2009

How to Tighten the Vagina - Tightening the Vagina Makes Sex Incredible!

Are you wondering how to tighten your vagina? Many women do, and for many different reasons. Whatever the case, tightening the vagina is something that all women should strive to do.

It is exceptionally important if you are to have excellent pelvic floor health throughout your life. If you think tightening the vagina is difficult, it isn't! It's very simple and will only take up a few minutes of your day.

How To Tighten Vagina- How & Why It's Possible

* Your vagina itself is a muscular pathway. When you have an orgasms your PC muscle, which is part of the pelvic floor, contacts. The key to amazing orgasms is strengthening the PC muscle.

If you make this muscle stronger, your orgasms will be stronger. It's that simple. And if you PC muscle is weak? Well, then you can expect weak orgasms!

* Tightening the vagina is possible because your vagina and the surrounding pelvic floor is composed of various muscles. Some of these muscles, like the PC muscle, determine sexual pleasure.

Others, however, play supporting rules. Literally. Your urethra is supported by a muscle, and so is your uterus. A muscle also wraps around your anus as well. The point is that all of these things are muscles. This means that all of them can be strengthened with exercises.

Doing vaginal exercises to tighten both your PC muscle and pelvic floor muscles.

How To Tighten The Vagina

We know it's possible, but how exactly is it done? It's done with very effective vaginal exercises that specifically target these muscles to make them stronger.

Some of the exercises are as simple as locating the PC muscle and contracting it, while others are more difficult and require locating specific pelvic floor muscles. Purchasing a good guide is highly recommended.

The Benefits of Tightening The Vagina

By tightening your vagina you will be promoting awesome pelvic floor health. This means that you are not likely to suffer from conditions like stress urinary incontinence or uterine prolapse. These things DO occur, however, when you do not keep your pelvic floor strong.

Most exciting is the improvement to your sex life that you will undoubtedly see. You can buy the most expensive and exciting sex toys on earth, but if you do not have a strong PC, you will never reach your full orgasmic potential.

You may have orgasms, but they will NEVER be as strong as they could be if your PC muscle were conditioned. Strengthening your PC muscle is a sure-fire way to have toe-curling orgasms night after night!

Tighten Vagina Now!

By : Megan_Melborne