Thursday, June 10, 2010

A Look at the Incision Sites For Breast Augmentation

The transaxillary incision is one option for breast augmentation. This is also sometimes referred to as the armpit incision because the surgeon makes the incision in the area under the armpit where the skin folds in.

This incision requires the use of an endoscope which is similar to a small telescope. This incision is such that the implant is placed below the muscle. It is generally anywhere from one to three inches long.

The second site for breast augmentation surgery is the periareolar incision. As the name implies, the cut is made in a semi-circle direction around the lower half of the areola (or nipple). The plastic surgeon can position the implant either above or below the muscle.

The inframammary incision for breast augmentation in this case is performed above the bosom's crease. In other words, the doctor will go in at the bottom area of the bosom where it dips in to attach to the rest of the chest.

The implants most often used when the inframammary cut is employed are the silicone ones. This kind of implant can be positioned either above or below the muscle. In most instances the cut made is two to three inches long.

However due to the fact that the silicone gels are pre-filled when they are placed into the body, the incisions sometimes need to be longer than that. This rarely results in any type of problem.

Breast augmentation can also be done by way of the transumbilical incision. This cut is made further down on the body than the other three. The site for the cut is the navel (which is the proper name for what most people refer to as the belly button).

The implants are introduced into the body surgically and then placed either above the muscle or below it. This is up to the discretion of the surgeon.

An endoscope, as described previously in relation to the transaxillary cut, is used when this procedure is done on a patient. The purpose of it is to make sure that the implant is placed in the spot that it is intended for.

All four implant sites are routinely used across the globe. It is worth noting that the transumbilical site is the newest of the four and has not been approved for use in all countries at the present time.

For example, Canada does not make use of this incision site yet. This site is sometimes referred to as TUBA which stands for Trans Umbilical Breast Augmentation. The choice of which site is best for an individual patient has to do with the structure of their body as well as what type of implants they will be having and where they will be placed.

By : A_Aaronson

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