Saturday, June 12, 2010

Natural Cure For Yeast Infection - Do They Really Exist?

If you have been battling with recurring yeast infection for some time, you may have been using a variety of different treatments in the hope that your condition will go away. Am I correct? The sad thing is, most of the treatments that you have been using only provide a temporary cure.

The reason for this is that they treat the symptoms and not the root cause of the infection. So the main cause of the problem is left untreated waiting for the right conditions to flare up again.

So what about natural cures?

Unlike over the counter treatments and doctors prescriptions, natural cures work with your body. They have no chemical additives and thus the risk of side effects are very little to none. The truth is, after using over the counter and even doctor's prescribed meds, your body will get accustomed to them and after a while they will have no effect on your condition.

Can You Cure Yeast Infection naturally?

The simple answer is yes. However, let us dig s little deeper to justify why I say yes. In order to cure yeast infection, you need to get candida albicans under control. This is the micro organism that is the source if the problem. The more the organism multiply and occupy the flora of the vagina, the more severe the symptoms will be.

Getting rid of the candida albicans can be done with natural remedies. For example, if you apply sugar free yogurt to the area, it will produce hydrogen peroxide which will create an environment that is inhibitory to the candida fungi. Doing this everyday for about a week will eliminate the symptoms of your infection.

Another natural cure for yeast infection is tea tree oil. This is a substance that is used to treat many kinds of diseases all over the world. In this case you will have to dilute the tea tree oil with some distill water because it may be too concentrated as is to be applied to the sensitive areas of the vagina.

Once diluted, you can apply the tea tree oil topically or insert into the vagina via the use of a tampon. Don't allow it to stay inside the vagina for more that 30 minutes. Doing this remedy for about a week will help to get rid of your yeast infection.

As you can see from the above natural remedies that yeast infection can indeed be cured naturally. Therefore is you are looking for a natural cure for yeast infection, try the above remedies for fast relief of symptoms.

By : Casey_Gentles

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