Monday, April 18, 2011

A Few Key Points of Conservation Bra

Bras are different from clothing; thin delicate material fibers are more flexible, so the best method of washing is "warm" and "neutral detergent" and tap "hand."

Read the label on the bra. Different patterns on the label, representing different cleaning and maintenance approach.

Note the following:
One, Check first before washing bra, if off-line must be at the suture, but also a good hook back hooks, anchored strap, so as not to hook into the fabric washing process.

Two, Washing should be first dissolved in a neutral detergent 30 ℃ ~ 40 ℃ can put clothes in warm water, soak for a while after the hand pat, do not scrub hard to avoid wear fabrics.

Three, rinse thoroughly with cleaning lotion. Do not use fabric softener after washing, to avoid damage to the bra's elastic fibers.
Four, after a good wash cannot wring their hands, just use a dry towel, hand squeeze, so towel dry water, and will be leveled to the status quo bra, chest to cup shape of the case ready.

Five, sun deterioration is easy to make clothing fade, so the bra can only cool, well ventilated place to dry.

Six, Wet bra cup to the middle point of the cup and hung up, should not have to strap hang, because the weight of water will wash the straps cannot stretch how the deformation of underwear?

Seven, after washed several times, you had better to buy a new bra to a serious distortion, become wrinkled, no elastic. How can extend its life?

Eight, Washing underwear is learned, good lingerie is best washed by hand, especially with steel wire or steel ring underwear, do not use a washing machine washing or dehydration, it will make your underwear seriously deformed, will hurt the material.

Nine, the right way is to soak the detergent to underwear flapping soft reduction, or catch wash way. In addition, after washing will directly take it most people are usually dry or dry, in fact, this is not correct. Deformation because it also makes underwear, you can use a dry towel to dry underwear full of water and then dries.

Ten, there is the folding underwear how to sort out the problem, will be placed at random deformation underwear, so when folded, no wire bra can fold one cup within the cup, and then the strap and back into the lining. If there is a wire bra, as long as you can spread out and yaw, underwear can be rolled into a round bar, very easy to clean, but also save space. For some girls like to wear sports underwear into the washing machine can wash, but still want to avoid using the dryer to dry.

If you maintain your bra carefully, it can lengthen its life, and through your conservation, it can keep the original shape longer.

About the Author

Control fashion field, Serena suggests you can go tolia Sophia jewelry&sophia Bracelets&sophia Earrings for more.

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