Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Severe Menopause Symptoms Are Treated Safely & Naturally With Natural Supplements

When our body comes into menopause there are generally some very severe symptoms that take their toll on us physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Many times wild increases and sudden decreases in hormones can cause anxiety and even depression in women that in previous years never had those types of conditions. In those of us that may have experienced these emotional distresses we become extremely vulnerable.

Thankfully, natural treatment and supplements have been clinically studied and proven to be very effective at treating our menopause symptoms safely and effectively with resorting to hormone therapy.

These supplements combat all of our menopause symptoms from hot flashes, to sleeping problems, to vaginal dryness, to night sweats and all mood imbalances.

The phytonutrients in soy have been particularly studied and are a natural way to balance out our estrogen levels and remain balanced and steady.

Other more rare and unknown herbs like black cohosh and damiana have also recently emerged into the spot light as extremely effective especially for increasing sex drive and increasing vaginal lubrication issues that plague many menopausal and post menopausal women.

Hormone replacement therapy can be dangerous and should only be used in very extreme cases where natural methods have fallen short.

However, natural menopause treatments are generally very effective, safe, and extremely powerful. Balancing our estrogen levels naturally with phytoestrogens in things like soy and other herbs is the key.

Moving into menopause doesn't have to create huge mood swings, depression, and sexual issues. Nature has provided all the nutrients and aid that we will ever need to make it a smooth transition and to keep us healthy and balanced well into our older adult life. It's just a change in fertility, it doesn't have to be an end to health and enjoyment of life.

By : Cynthia_L._Palmer

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