Sunday, March 14, 2010

Simple Ways to Prevent Vaginal Yeast Infection

If you are reading this, you might have known something about vaginal yeast infection. You may want to know how to cure it. You can do that by using certain types of medicine. Alternatively, you can use natural way to cure yeast infection.

However, many women who have never had one may want to know if there is any way that they can use to prevent the infection to occur. This article will explain how you are going to do that.

Understanding what the infection is should be the first priority if you want to prevent it. Yeast is a normal flora called candida albicans. It lives in our body along with many other normal floras. The numbers of yeast is controlled by the balanced condition in the body.

Certain things like heat or antibiotics can disturb the balance. Yeast, then, in this situation, overgrows other normal floras.

As a result, the yeast causes infection in the vagina, digestive tract, skin and many other areas. The symptoms of yeast include having burning sensation, itching, redness and discomforts.

Heat and moist are the common causes of the infection. Therefore, you can prevent the vaginal infection from yeast by avoid wearing particular type of cloth including nylon or Lycra.

Cotton cloth does not have this problem. Replace nylon with cotton. You should also avoid wearing pantyhose without underwear. All these can help preventing the infection.

Another way to prevent vaginal infection of yeast is to eat a cup of yogurt daily. The yogurt you eat should be the one with live cultures. The bacteria in the yogurt can deter the overgrowth of candida.

The method will be useful for the one who have recently had treatments with antibiotics. Antibiotics kill other bacteria but leave candida out. Adding live cultures will help control the number of yeast in that area.

Other small measurements to prevent yeast include avoiding perfume bath powders. The use of them may irritate and cause infection.

Also, you should practice wiping front to back after a bowel movement. Lastly, you can prevent the infection by avoiding vaginal douches. The process robs vaginal mucus and cause yeast to grow.

By : Tamara_Mandasco

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