Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Age of Aquarius - A Woman's Time to Heal

We are in the beginnings of the Age of Aquarius, long spoken of in songs, movies and ideals of the 60's generation - but beyond these simple symbols, the age of water speaks of healing.

Water in dreams is a symbol of emotions - those annoying things that oftentimes we as women, wish we could rise above. Rather, we need to think of emotions as something that gives us the ability to heal; because of who we are, we have the capacity to heal ourselves, our families, our friends and in so doing, heal the world.

A woman is in tune with the cycles of the earth and its mother because, like the earth, she experiences seasons, cycles and her moon times with regularity and certainty. Like her mother before her and the mother she graces with her feet, a woman represents a vessel for new life, spiritually and physically.

These cycles place emotions at the fingertips of a woman, often against her will. When her seasons come, she finds herself crying for no reason, feeling angry at the slightest rebuff or insecure as a small puppy.

For centuries, men have likened women as the 'weaker' sex because of this. But it is this very ability to give herself over to these seasons, these cycles of emotions and her affinity with the rhythms of nature, that allow woman to bring forth healing in resonance with the cycles of life.

The water that flows from our eyes is the same water or similar in composition to the water from which all life on this planet springs forth - the ocean.

These same waters pour forth in herald of a new birth when our children first grace this world from our limbs.

We are in the beginnings of the Age of Aquarius, the Age of Healing, the Age of New Life and women are central to Its theme. A woman who has given birth understands this deep ability to love, to nourish, to cherish and heal that which has come forth.

Women who have not given birth still carry within its seeds. And because of this, whether a mother or not, she is still capable of understanding and experiencing this kinship with life. The time is here to bring forth Healing and women are Its vessels, Its channels, Its conduit.

But to heal and love others, we must first heal and love ourselves. Healing ourselves starts with unconditional love of who and what we are, whether black, white, brown, yellow or red; gay, straight or in-between; skinny, fat, young, old, beautiful or not, because in truth beauty and age start within. You are as beautiful and young as you feel - and you know this.

Fall in love with you and treat yourself, as you would have a lover treat you. As a woman, you have the capacity to bring forth new life, untarnished, innocent, virtuous and whole - which gives you the ability to change the world, from the inside out.

By : Laurie_Brenner

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