Friday, October 1, 2010

How Women Can Keep Their Sex Life Healthy When You Are Over 40

1.2.3.'s of beating discomfort during sex when you are over 40

The number one big problem you can over come is...

1. Dryness

Medications can be the cause of discomfort during intercourse.

If a Medication says it will dry your mouth it can cause dryness in your vaginal areas as well.

2. Have an active sex life

The age old saying of... use it or lose is so true.

Frequent sex is good for your all over health.

3. Thinning Wall

One problem that occurs when you are over 30.

The walls of your vagina begin to thin as you age. Some good treatments for your thinning vaginal walls include estrogen creams or tablets that can be inserted directly into the vagina or use a vaginal estrogen ring made of rubber inserted into the vagina. You can keep this in the vagina for 3 months or you can use an estrogen patch which should be change weekly.

A natural home remedy to try is moisturizing the vagina with a little olive oil,you are your partner can massage the oil in to the walls of your vagina.

Do not lose out on intimacy with your love one, just because you do not ask the right questions. If you are not enjoying your sex life ask questions. Your Doctor can not help you, if you do not let them now. Sex is a very important part of your relationship do not lose out. Find out the facts of life and enjoy being your partner up until the day you die in each others arms.

By : Patricia_A._Rowland

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