Sunday, September 26, 2010

7 Beauty Treatments to Squeeze Into Your Lunch Break

If, like any normal person, you find yourself with too little time to groom yourself, the salons close before you finish work and weekends are taken up with other chores, there may be an option for you.

You could nip out on your lunch to spruce yourself up, especially if you have a hot date or night on the town waiting at the end of the day. Here's a list of treatments that you should be able to get at any decent beauty salon and leave you with enough time to enjoy your sushi.

Eyebrow threading: three minutes. This can even be available in high street Superdrug stores and is the art of trimming eyebrows using twisted thread rolled over the hair to pluck it out at follicle level. It lasts much longer than regular tweezeing but can be a bit painful.

Half leg wax: seven minutes. Leg waxing can take time so if you're in a hurry go for the half leg to save time and stick with the knee lengths if you're going out. Obviously it will take more time if they have been neglected and less if they have not long seen a razor so factor that in.

Back Massage: Five minutes. This isn't a necessity but who can visit a salon without getting one? It would be much nicer to go for a full length session but why not get a little slice of heaven at around a pound a minute.

Facial: Ten Minutes. This might not sound like enough time for a facial but with something like a CACI's Hydratone treatment it can be quick. This treatment uses silicon like gel which contains collagen, hyaluronic acid and vitamins C and E which are massaged into the face with small slightly-electrified rollers.

Hair and Nails: Fifteen minutes. Many modern salons are now catering for the customer on the go and offering several services at simultaneously. Companies such as Electric Salon are offering a mani-pedi with an express blow dry leaving you with great hair and nails.

Fake tan: eight minutes. Go where you like in the summer but thanks to our dismal climate that tan won't last long, fake tanning is a completely safe way of keeping the colour without risking your skin and is much quicker. Tanning formulas are no longer greasy and smelly and many salons offer an instant drying spray that won't come off on clothes and gradually fades.

Make-Up: seven minutes. You can do this yourself but to get that real glam look often takes hours in front of the mirror, with a professional make up artist you can look your best in no time and they will be able to use equipment and products that you might not be able to afford.

After a hectic 55 minutes you are ready to go looking fantastic. It's not something you can do everyday however as these treatments combined will set you back around £200. But if it's a one off then why not give it a whirl.

By : Tom_Doerr

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