Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Liposuction - Having Realistic Expectations

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that is designed to suck out eight to ten pounds of fatty cell deposits from between the skin and muscle through a small incision in the skin using a cannula that is attached to a suction device.

If you're considering liposuction it is very important that you undergo it with realistic expectations or the chances are you will not be happy with the end results. You should also be aware of the potential side effects and risk that can happen with any surgical procedure so you can decide if the benefits out weigh any possible risk factors.

A good candidate for surgery will understand that the amount of fat that can be suctioned out is limited for your safety. If you need more than eight to ten pounds of fat removed for example you may not see any significant effect from liposuction and may be unhappy with the end results.

This is not a good option for anyone who is obese since the fat that can be surgically removed is limited to up to ten pounds and won't make much of an impact on your overall body shape.

If you are just trying to get rid of stubborn fat deposits that haven't responded to exercise and diet liposuction may be a good option for you and you will probably be pleased with the end results.

The most common and relatively minor complications that you should be aware of it you are considering surgery include superficial irregularities of the skin including visible scaring and discoloration of the skin.

Other complications include temporary bruising, numbness or nerve injury or a temporary adverse reaction to medication used during the surgery.

More serious complications that are considered rare include reactions to the anesthesia, blood clots that can occur after any surgical procedure in the legs or lungs, excessive blood loss, hypothermia, infection, cardiac arrest, permanent nerve damage or seizures.

Make sure you completely understand your risk before you undergo any procedure. Your doctor will take your complete medical history and go over any risk factors with you before you proceed.

If you are in good overall health and have had surgical procedures done successfully in the past you probably already know what to expect from your surgery and have a realistic idea about the outcome.

If this is your first surgical procedure be sure to discuss any concerns you may have with your doctor so that you are comfortable with your choice.

Remember liposuction is not a permanent fat removal system so the more you are willing to change your life style to include a healthy diet and exercise program the better your chances of long term happiness with the procedure will be.

By : A_Aaronson

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