Monday, September 20, 2010

Jesse Spencer Hair Tips To Help Your Hair Problems

At Jesse Spencer hair, you will be shown how to keep your mane well maintained and healthy looking. Naturally, healthy looking hair starts with a great looking haircut as well. It is imperative that you get rid of broken or split ends so that it preserves its elasticity, strength and shine every day.

After washing and rinsing your mane with a good conditioner, do not towel dry it. This is one of the major causes of damage to men's hair because when it is still wet it is more susceptible to damage.

You can also cause damage to the cuticle (which is the shingle-like outer layer of ones hair). This causes frizz and creates split ends. Shake out your hair with excess water and stroke and pat it with a towel in the direction it normally grows.

Excessive heat from using a blow dryer also causes a lot of damage so try to keep it down to the minimum. If you have to blow-dry it, apply a styling gel or an untangle cream to coat it and protect it from damage. Do not shower in piping hot water because it can damage your scalp. It can also strip off the essential oil from the hair, which leads to a dry scalp.

Most of us want to look like our favorite movie star, but what we do not realize is that repeated coloring and curling can leave ones hair dull-looking after a while. Movie stars pay large sums of money to keep it looking good.

Rather let your stylist prepare a color using only the best applications for your hair type. You should therefore refrain from coloring it at home, as you could damage it extensively.

Never use a brush on your hair when it is wet. When combing it you should always use a wide-toothed comb, gently untangling knots. If your hair is usually in a poor condition, it might be reflecting the state of your health.

You need to eat properly, drink plenty of water, exercise daily and get enough sleep. All these factors will reduce stress in your life. The result will be healthier looking mane. An added bonus to living this lifestyle is that your hair will grow rapidly and stay thick and shiny.

Many men loose their hair because they wear tight fitting hats or tight ponytails. These can cause it to pull out of the scalp. Damage to the follicle can be permanent if you do not let your mane breath from time to time. Having your hair trimmed at least every six weeks will help to keep damage to the minimum and will eliminate split ends for good.

If you struggle with frizzy hair, it is probably because you do not apply enough moisturizing conditioner and protein to your hair. A good conditioner will help keep your mane slick and if you still have problems, try using an anti-frizz serum for a smoother appearance. At Jesse Spencer hair, you are sure to find great value and excellent hair treatment.

By : Adam_Burhan

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