Monday, September 28, 2009

Perimenopause - Signs to Natural Aging

You see and feel the perimenopause signs, yet you feel that you are not yet of perimenopause age. Is there a specific age that perimenopause should rear its "ugly" head?

As we all know by now, all women - whether you've been good or bad, naughty or nice - will eventually go through this stage called perimenopause. So it would be better if we come at it fully prepared, with the knowledge that whatever we experience, we will go through it and pass with flying colors.

There is no set age where a woman will definitely get it. It can be as late as your mid or late 40s, or it can be as early as 35. Either way, you will still go through it. The symptoms, however are a different matter.

Studies have shown that most Caucasian women experience the pains and discomforts of perimenopause than Asian women. Several speculations have come about leading to soy as the major reason why this is so. If you are planning to change your diet, then include soy as it is said to have phytoestrogens - plant-like substances that mimic estrogen and its effects.

Among those not experienced by Asian (specifically Japanese women) are the following symptoms:

- Hot flashes and flushes.

- Rapid heartbeat or heart palpitations. (These, especially skipped or irregular heartbeats are common in perimenopausal and menopausal women. But if it becomes a bother and is too frequent for comfort, then go to your health care provider and ask for an echocardiogram to have your heart checked.)

- Irritability and mood swings. (Remember that emotional, physical and psychological changes are happening to your body all at the same time. If you feel that your anger or outbursts are more likely to hurt you than the people around you, then consult your doctor.

Most women who do this experience less of the effects of psychological changes, as advice from a medical practitioner can help the woman understand what she is currently going through. Anger, anxiety and panic attacks are included in this category.)

- Insomnia. (This is usually caused by hot flashes and flushes leading to night sweats, which will eventually disturb and disrupt your sleep.)

- Loss of libido. (This is often due to vaginal dryness and irritation - the dryness comes from the vaginal walls not being well moisturized and lubricated enough because of the lack of estrogen. Sex will eventually cause the irritation, especially if not lubricated well-enough.)

These are just some of the perimenopause symptoms that look scary, but are completely manageable. And remember, perimenopause is temporary. It is just a transition to menopause which, if successful, will be less trying once you've mastered and gotten through the ills of perimenopause.

By Penny Adams

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