Sunday, August 23, 2009

Great Tips and Advice on Caring For Your Skin

We all have issues with our skin, this article is designed to give you great advice and pointers on how to keep your skin looking healthy and beautiful. This includes tips on what your daily skin care regimen should include.

• Start caring for your skin at an early age; this is important because the longer you wait to begin caring for your skin the more difficult a task this will be. Funny how the saying "A stitch in time saves nine" comes to mind.

• Never wash your face with soap as soap tends to leave a residue on your skin which can cause it to become very dry, this is also true of harsh cleansing lotions, stay away from harsh products such as those containing alcohol as they can also cause you to develop a dry skin problem.

• Devise a good daily skin care regimen that includes cleansing, toning and moisturizing. Stick to your daily skin care regimen if you really want to achieve great results. It is also a good idea to give your skin a massage maybe every two months and wearing a facial mask on occasion is also a good policy.

• Exercise regularly as exercise is important in order to maintain a healthy body and when the body is healthy so too is the skin which is in fact also part of the body.

• Practice a healthy daily diet with lots of vegetables, fresh fruits and lots of fresh fruit juices. Fish, beans, nuts and foods that are high in bran should also be included in your daily eating habits. Poor eating habits are one of the main causes of many skin care problems.

Stay away from all those fast foods that you love, everybody's favorite chicken and chips, French fires, hamburgers, pizzas, all these foods contain too much oil and fat which are very unhealthy. No more soda pops (especially everybody's favorite "Coca cola") throw them all out and replace with lots of fresh orange and apple juices.

Your skin needs moisture and lots of it to maintain itself, if you start consuming the recommended eight glasses of water a day you should be you'll see a vast improvement in your skin tone, firmness and sudden lack of blemishes.

• Stress is one of the main reasons why many people develop skin problems. Get lots of rest, on occasion pamper yourself, go to the movies, of have a soak in the tub, or even better yet, plan a nice romantic weekend getaway with the significant other, hire a baby sitter to look after the kids while you are gone. Believe me a getaway weekend can work wonders for the body, mind and spirit.

• Lastly but by no means least, love yourself, many people don't even think about this, but the same way you would give support to a friend in need make them feel good about themselves, so too should you praise, love and appreciate yourself, after all if you don't love and appreciate who you are, how can you expect others to see the real you. This will make you a much happier person and a much happier person is a more well balanced person which affects your overall well being.

By : Sarah H

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