Monday, August 10, 2009

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

There is nothing worse than having unwanted hair in places it shouldn't be. You know what I mean, like the mustache your aunt had or the wisps of hair that stuck out of your grandmother's chin.

If you don't want to end up with hair growing all over the place then you should look into hair removal systems. One of the easiest and most cost effect systems is the laser hair removal system

This may sound scary but in reality it has been proven to be very safe. Laser technology has been in use since 1996 and it has helped many thousands of people to live a life free of unwanted hair. Whether you have a small area or a large area to treat, this technique can help you to get the smooth, clean appearance you desire.

The theory behind this type of hair removal is really quite simple. A laser light is used to heat up the hair follicle, the part that grows the hair shaft, and this heating inhibits the ability of the follicle to continue to grow the hair shaft material. Since the hair can not grow any more it eventually dies and falls out.

In most cases the hair will not grow back from that particular follicle because it no longer has the ability to transform the nutrients found in the blood supply into hair shaft material. It may take more than one treatment for full results though because the laser is only affective on follicles that are actually growing.

Hair grows in a cyclical nature thus not all follicles are active at the same time. They grow hair for a while and then rest before starting the process over. Any of the hairs that were in the resting stage during the treatment will need to be retreated once they start growing again.

This is completely natural and should not alarm you at all. Generally, this procedure is viewed as very beneficial because of the extremely low level of pain and discomfort felt. It is nothing like plucking or waxing which can feel like your actual skin is being removed.

By L.S. Schneider

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