Monday, July 19, 2010

Breast Reconstruction After a Masectomy Women diagnosed with breast cancer, who have to undergo a masectomy, should also consider getting a reconstru

Women diagnosed with breast cancer, who have to undergo a masectomy, should also consider getting a reconstruction done after the masectomy. It is up to you to decide if you have it done immediately after your masectomy or have delayed reconstruction surgery.

Whatever your option may be, it is better to decide only after learning the advantages and disadvantages of both methods.

Advantages and disadvantages of immediate surgery

The main advantage of getting an immediate reconstruction is that once done, you find it much easier to make psychological adjustments. Moreover, with two consecutive surgeries taking place, you need to take fewer anesthetics and medication.

Your breasts also look better as your surgeon conducts the procedure using your existing skin. This also leads to fewer scars, and better looking breasts.

The disadvantage of immediate surgery is that is something goes wrong; your masectomy treatment path could get affected. Moreover, it is always better to take chemo within 6 weeks of cancer surgery and not later.

If your doctor suggests radiotherapy after masectomy, it may damage your breast reconstruction.

Advantages and disadvantages of delayed reconstruction

The reason why many women prefer undergoing delayed reconstruction is because it gives you more time to make your decision. Moreover, the surgery looks to be less complex.

In case you undergo any post-op complications, it will not affect your masectomy treatment which should complete by now. A delayed reconstruction is usually a shorter operation, with shorter recovery time.

The disadvantage of opting for a delayed breast reconstruction is that you have to spend more time without your normal bust line and breasts. Moreover after recovering from your masectomy, you have to spend more time and take a longer leave to recover.

Many women also state that the results of delayed breast reconstruction are less aesthetically pleasing than an immediate operation. Considering the many advantages and disadvantages of these two types, you and your doctor will have to decide on which operation is best for you.

The decision is best made based on your existing treatment and the stage of breast cancer you are suffering from.

By : Leena_Marcos

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