Sunday, July 18, 2010

Top 5 Natural Remedies For Yeast Infections

This article offers some natural yeast infection home remedies. Yeast infection in women - and even men - are an often described as one of the most unpleasant and painful condition that causes embarrassment and discomfort.

This dreaded condition is caused by a form of infection in the related area. Specifically, it is caused by the colonization of a specific fungus known as Candida Albicans.

Normally, Candida Albicans would not cause any form of infection as it actually lives on the human skin in warm and damp areas. But under certain conditions, the colony thrives and starts to infect the surrounding areas, causing pain and discomfort.

There are several reasons why this happens. This can be caused by unprotected sex with an infected partner, inappropriate diets, obesity or even alcohol.

As the first line of defense, it is important to observe a good hygiene if one desire to rid themselves off the infection. If you are concerned and desire a fast remedy for yeast infection, you can choose to visit the doctor or if want more privacy and too embarrassed to consult a doctor, use a natural home made remedy to combat this condition.

If you are curious to know what those natural remedies you can use, here is a short list. Just pick one of these solutions or use a combination of a few remedies for maximum effect.

Remedy#1: Apple Cider Vinegar

Try apple cider vinegar for instant relief from the burning sensation. It will calm the skin, as well as reduce the burning feeling and redness. You'll begin to feel more relaxed, the itching will slowly begin to diminish. It seems like a miraculous discovery but apple cider vinegar has-been used extensively throughout the years for this type of problem.

For years, vinegar has been considered an effective remedy in the alternative medicine field; therefore, in case you're too scared to see the doctor, this product can come in quite handy.

Remedy#2: Olive Oil

Try using olive oil to make your yeast infection disappear. It seems like a tall claim but it works! Although the process might take some days, olive are said to work wonders on the skin. Olive oil can be indeed miraculous. Treat your yeast infection by mixing the oil with some grapefruit and sprinkle around the infected area. The itchiness will slowly disappear, as well as the redness and discomfort.

Remedy#3: Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has an amazing disinfectant power. Try rubbing a generous amount on the afflicted area and watch for the reaction. Your rash will disappear slowly.

Remedy#4: Yogurt

Yogurt can be tasty for some people and extremely useful for others. Yogurt is rich in vitamins and possesses natural healing powers that can be used to treat yeast infection. Well known for treating burns, yogurt will create a relaxed and pleasant sensation, and reduces the soreness caused by the infection. It can feel a little strange to apply this to the genital area, but you can certainly appreciate the instant relief for the burning sensation.

Remedy#5: Honey

Honey is another popular medication to treat yeast infection at home. Although, you might think it's sticky and uncomfortable to use honey around your genital area, you would be rewarded with the results. Honey has amazing antiseptic and antibacterial properties that it has been touted as the ultimate natural medicine for a variety of illnesses and ailments. It can work wonders for Candida as well.

By : Mel_Ullman

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