Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Appropriate Business Attire For Women in a Modern Casual Environment

With the major changes in business attire in the work place, women are getting a greater range of clothing that they are allowed to wear to work. Although this is a very good thing, it is easy to tote the line when it comes to what clothing you can wear in a business casual environment.

The following questions should be considered before you wear these clothes to work. If the answer is "no" then you should not wear them to work.

Does your outfit include sandals?
Is your skirt longer than the edge of your fingertips when you hold your arms straight down?
Does your outfit show less than 1 inch of cleavage?
Is there another woman in the office who wears less casual clothes than you?
Are jeans appropriate in your workplace?
Is your midriff covered?

These are some basic questions that can help although they are not even close to all inclusive. Make sure that you take a good look at what the other women in your office are wearing. In terms of conservativeness and style, try to pick something that is the average of what women in your workplace wear.

You do not want to be the most formal, but you also do not want to be the most causal. Pick some middle ground. If you are looking for a promotion into management, then it is okay to dress a bit more formal than others in your department because it will let people know that you have ambition.

Although the acceptance of more causal clothing in the work place is a huge benefit, it also comes with some level of responsibility. Make sure that you always are up to date with your company's dress code policy and always adhere to all the rules within the spirit of the rules themselves.

Rather than just using an excuse that sandals are not within the companies policy, look what other rules are in the policy to see if the other rules show a causal or a formal business culture.

By : Isis_T_Hall

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