Thursday, July 29, 2010

What's the Fuss About Benefit Cosmetics?

I'll admit it - I'm completely addicted to Benefit makeup! My makeup bag is overflowing with delicious treats from their fabulous range and I can't stop - I'm like a kid in a candy store, every time I go near their cosmetics counter I come away with a bag full of new goodies.

And I'm not alone, Benefit is quickly becoming the must-have cosmetics brand for women everywhere. With their refreshingly practical and humorous attitude to beauty and quirky designs their products are truly unique.

If you've ever brushed past a Benefit cosmetics counter you'd be forgiven for thinking it was some sort of strange novelty brand.

With funky, retro-comic packaging and product names ranging from the humorous to the bizarre it would be easy to dismiss them as a bit of a joke! But nothing could be further from the truth - there's mighty clever science behind those pretty boxes and bottles...

Now a global brand, Benefit began with just one makeup shop, the brainchild of twins Jane and Jean Ford. They wanted to create cosmetic products that really got to the root of the beauty dilemmas of real women; products that would actually work and make women feel great everyday. And they wanted to add a good dose of humour into the mix!

Although their products aren't the cheapest on the market they're great value for money and they work in harmony - so with just a couple of products you can achieve exactly the look you want. It's not about troweling makeup on everyday, it's about using the right products, in the right way.

And that's the key to their success; Benefit makeup really works. They offer a solution to pretty much every beauty problem and they tell you exactly how to use their products to achieve your desired effect.

This isn't makeup designed in a remote laboratory, by detached scientists; it's made by women, for women. So if you want to hide dark circles under your eyes they'll give you a great product and tell you exactly how to use it. The pretty packaging and funky names is simply just icing on the cake.

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