Monday, July 26, 2010

Choosing Plastic Surgery Or Breast Augmentation is a Serious Decision

Thousands of women choose it every day but they must put in some study time to be certain this is actually what they want to do. We are talking about plastic surgery and specifically breast augmentation. It has become one of the leading requests in the field of plastic surgery.

Whether its called augmentation mammaplasty, breast implants, or breast augmentation surgery the procedure involves inserting medical devices.

They may consist of either saline breast implants which are filled with salt water or silicone breast implants which are filled with elastic gel like material. They are inserted under the skin and behind existing breast tissue to enlarge the breast overall and give the appearance of fuller breasts.

Why do women want breast implants?

There are many reasons a woman chooses to have breast augmentation surgery. She may feel her breasts are simply not large enough to be attractive or she might have had a baby and found her original size had diminished.

Other reasons include restoring breast volume or size after losing a substantial amount of weight due to dieting. Breast implants can also be desired after breast cancer surgery.

Make the decision with your doctor's advice

Patients who desire to have breast augmentation plastic surgery need to give it some serious thought because it is a major decision with long reaching effects. Many women want their breasts enlarged because they feel inadequate or less of a woman by having small breasts.

Their feelings must be evaluated and a doctor can determine if his patient is mentally qualified for this elective surgery. There may be other underlying reasons she feel inadequate and simply having plastic surgery may not help her.

Family history involving breast cancer or biopsies results, mammograms, or prior surgeries may preclude her from having breast augmentation surgery performed. Your surgeon will examine both breasts and take measurements regarding size, placement of the nipples, and skin integrity.

After plastic surgery results will be evaluated

Many women find they love how they look in clothing and bathing suits, giving them a boost in their self confidence they much needed. The surgeon needs to advise his patient that she will need to return for routine visits because the breast augmentation is not permanent and replacements may be required over time.

Many women need to have their implants replaced after years because they've undergone hormonal changes, lost weight, or just are no longer satisfied with her appearance.

Cost of surgery and how about insurance coverage?

Cost involved in breast augmentation plastic surgery will vary by several factors. Experience of the surgeon and the region you live in and wish to have the surgery performed play a large part in determine cost.

The type of anesthesia, whether the surgery is to be done in the doctors office or in hospital, and the type of implant to be used are other deciding factors. Typically breast augmentation cost includes the implants themselves which run from four thousand to over ten thousand dollars each.

Anesthesia will run from six to eight hundred on average and use of the facility will cost around eight hundred to over twelve hundred. Surgeons fees are largely dependent on their level of expertise and the area in which they practice. As this is an elective surgery some insurance companies do not provide coverage.

By : River_C.

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