Saturday, July 24, 2010

Self Defense Techniques to Empower Women

In the news today, you can see incidents of violence against women. A number of women from different locations of the globe are being raped and harassed. Others are domestically abused. These things happen because attackers believe that women are weak.

They are very vulnerable and are easy victims for the bad guys lurking somewhere. However, there are a lot of things that a woman can do in order to defend herself. Different crimes can be prevented if the woman knows what to do.

There are certain places where in self defense devices like stun gun, pepper spray and TASER are not allowed for personal use. In London, carrying these kinds of weapons by a civilian even for self defense is against the law.

Aside from London, there are other states like New York and Wisconsin which s included in the list that restricts use of concealed weapons. However, even without these devices, you can still look for other ways to defend yourself. Your life does not end here just because you cannot purchase these very effective devices.

As a woman, you must empower yourself and learn about different methods that you can use to fight crimes that are commonly done to women. Even when you are in different situations, as long as you use your own determination to fight, you can really show to the attacker what women are made of.

You must not only be prepared for what can happen in dark areas but even for crimes which can happen during the day. You must not only think of what you can do when you are outside your home but also when you are just sitting in your own house. Think of what you can do anywhere and anytime.

If you cannot bring a self defense device with you then try to learn martial arts. There are different forms of martials arts which you can choose from. All you need to do is use your spare time in joining classes and learn even the basics of defending yourself.

Equip yourself with the skills and techniques of getting away from an assailant and learning the different counter attacks that you can do especially in specific moves done by an attacker.

Aside from that, you can always make use of the things that you have in your hand or on your purse. If someone tries to attack you, hit them with something which you are holding. It can be your pen or your car keys.

As long as you do it with force, then you can make the attacker feel that you are not an easy victim. If you have nothing in hand, grab anything that is near you that you think will be a good weapon for self protection.

Prove to the world that women are not weak. Be active and increase your awareness on what you can do to protect yourself, your children, your family, loved ones and also your property. Show to the attackers that women are empowered and they are not to be messed with nowadays.

By : Joseph_Pressley

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