Saturday, August 28, 2010

Best Self Defense Products for Women

All you have to do is watch the evening news or read a local paper or go to the trouble of reading a local police blotter to see evidence of the fact that women are the targets of violence by a 9 to 1 margin over men. It has historically always been that way and human nature being what it is probably always will be that way.

The best thing that women can do actually is to be aware that they are at some point in their lives going to be the targets of a violent act.

Whether it's rape, street assaults, home invasion, carjacking, domestic violence, robbery or whatever chances are pretty good that they will be a victim. Once you realize that fact you can take some cautionary steps to prevent yourself from being a victim.

The first thing you should do is take a basic self-defense course and learn the basics of defending yourself against street crime. "Jeet kune do" may be the fastest and easiest way to learn some basic self defense techniques.

You can learn them in the comfort of your own home with a self defense DVD. One hour a day for two or three days and you'll probably have enough information to keep yourself out of trouble 70 percent of the time.

Beyond that women should arm themselves with some basic self-defense products. They provide a non lethal alternative to deadly force and are meant to give you time to get away from a dangerous situation and seek help.

The best self defense products for women are:

The C-2 Taser--shoots out two electrified darts up to 15 feet away with nearly 100 percent take down rate. One color choice is pink.

The Mace pepper gun--enough OC spray for seven 25 shots-the most of any pepper spray in the world. Great against multiple attackers and dog attacks. One color choice is pink.

Pretender Stun Gun--disguised as a camera cell phone but ius not. It is a 4.5 million volt stun gun with one color in pink

These are the best self defense products for women.

By : Jack_Krohn

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