Monday, August 2, 2010

Good News For Women - Crime is Down, But You Still Need to Consider Self Defense

It is a reality that crime in the United States is way down, and that violent crime is also down. So too, are crimes against women? Why you ask? Several reasons are speculated, but personally I believe it is due to all these personal tech devices with digital camera and video.

A mobile society with rapid communication, plus the fast police response associated with that same communication technology, gives criminals reason to temper their behavior.

Much of all this is theory, crime triangle stuff. Oh, you are not familiar with the "Crime Triangle" okay, so I will explain it to you. First, like the fire triangle where a fire needs fuel, heat, and oxygen, for a crime to occur, there needs to be a victim or opportunity, a location, and a criminal. If you take any of those away, there is no crime. See that point.

We've done a pretty good job of catching criminals, thus, they cannot do more harm. We've made it easier for them to get caught, thus, taking away the opportunity. As a woman you don't want to be the victim, so you should; A. not frequent places of crime, B. stay away from criminals, and C. not make yourself a target of opportunity causing you to become a victim.

If you have with you Mace, Stun gun, or possess decent fighting skills you will prevent yourself from going down as the victim. Just because crime is down, does not mean it has stopped, therefore you still need to protect yourself and not assume it can never happen to you. Be smart, and pay attention.

Having a cell phone with speed dial for 911 is smart, most city police departments will be there in 4-minutes, so you only need to be able to hold your own for that amount of time. Can you do that? If not go enroll yourself in some self defense classes near you. Many are free, and even the ones which do charge, well they are well worthy of the cost. Please consider all this.

By : Lance_Winslow

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