Sunday, August 15, 2010

How to Prevent a Face Wrinkle From Appearing

As the passage of time marches on our skin becomes drier and we loose the natural moisture and elasticity which keeps it from sagging. Unfortunately, time is not really the great healer in this case. Our face wrinkle problem can start as early as our teens and that is why we need to be vigilant in how we treat it.

You need not run off to a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon just yet because you have perfectly natural lines on your face. These lines are caused by smiling, frowning, aging and long exposure to harmful UV rays of the sun.

When should we start looking after our skins? At the start of your teenage years, a good moisturizer will do the trick. With a proper facial treatment of cleansers, toners and a nutritional night cream you are able to head off those wrinkles for a good few years.

But you might be at that age when other people started noticing (and commenting about) your wrinkles. Then you know that you need to do something about them fast. So what solutions are there for this? There are in fact a myriad of products on the market today which will at least get those wrinkles to dissipate a few millimeters or so.

Then there is of course the quick fix solution, which will cost you a few dollars but can take away wrinkles in a jiffy: a trip to your local plastic surgeon, who can give you a few botox injections. You might, however, be left with a half numb face. Or, you could opt for a face-lift or a face peel. Be prepared to budget for a lot of money because a face-lift does not come cheap and it involves a painful and slow recovery process.

Some people are lucky and age more gracefully than others do. But scientists are discovering that our lifestyle choices can also be a huge catalyst toward premature wrinkles.

We might not fully know how to prevent every single face wrinkle from appearing in the first place, but if you stay out of the sun, quit smoking, eat healthy food, avoid junk food, drink plenty of water and do regular exercise, together with a well formulated anti-aging cream, it will prevent and help smooth away many face wrinkles you might have had to cope with.

By : Samantha_Jackson

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