Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Shopping For the Right Liposuction Surgeon

One of the key things people focus on when shopping for a liposuction surgeon is the price. This is normal with just about any purchase but it is important not to ignore other factors. In the case of plastic surgery prices you really do get what you pay for.

Some people make the mistake of basing their decision solely on where they can find the lowest price. Other important factors such as the qualifications of the surgeon and the variables that play into influencing the cost need to be understood in order to make well informed decisions.

The qualifications of a plastic surgeon are important since there is a significantly higher risk of complications and side effects when the procedure is performed by a less experienced surgeon.

At the minimum you want to look for a board certification by a legitimate organization such as the American Board of Plastic Surgery and not some fly by night, self appointed boards. A certification lets us know that the surgeon has undergone rigorous training and examinations.

It is also important for the surgeon to have plenty of experience performing liposuction and related procedures. There will be plastic surgeons that specialize in cosmetic dental work or other unrelated treatments but still hold the same certificate in plastic surgery.

Most experienced surgeons will have a file of before and after pictures of their previous patients so you can get an idea of what to expect. It is good to have a plastic surgeon with a long history of happy patients and excellent results.

By : Michael_J_Rich

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