Monday, August 9, 2010

Interesting Facts About Women That Earn More Money - Sugar Mamas on the Rise?

The Pew Foundation recently issued a fascinating study. Entitled "Women, Men and the New Economics of Marriage," the media went nuts when they reviewed the data. One commentator opined the study should have been called "The Rise of the Sugar Mama."

Many of the studies contained in the report focus on how men benefit by having an earning mate. The Pew Study cited an interesting fact: 'median household income rose approximately 60% between 1970 and 2007 for married men, married women, and unmarried women but only 16% for unmarried men.'

NPR also conducted investigations in the gender pay area. NPR concluded cultural shifts are placing a huge strain on marriages.

Did you know that until 1964 it was legal to fire a women if she got married? It's true.

While women have struggled to deal with the gap disparity when confronted with the women's lib movement, men have had their dragons to slay too.

The women's movement propelled women to prove themselves in the traditional workplace and prove that they could compete effectively with men. Yet, women still wanted children and to be active participants in the lives of their offspring.

Men had to adjust as well. Many felt inferior if they had to rely on their wives for support; that meant they were somehow 'failing' in their role as provider.

The economy and emerging technology are changing all that-and fast!

While men remain the major bread winners and out earn women, change is in the air. Presently, 78% of men make at least as much as their wives. Still, the percentage of women whose income has exceeded their husband's has quadrupled, rising from 4% in 1977 to 22% in 2010. Incredible!

Given the downturn in the economy, women switched into survival mode when their spouses get laid off.

The 'Donna Reeds' of the 1950's didn't have permission to pursue a business or career. At the polar end, the woman of the 1980's learned it was 'incorrect' to bring home baked cookies to the office; the only correct thing to bring was a briefcase.

Today's women are caught between two extremes.

Women are adjusting to change out of necessity and because of the cultural paradigm shift. They don't care about the briefcase anymore. They want to support their families and work smarter and better.

Harnessing the power of internet technology is allowing women to do just that. A women can work smart from home if she has the drive that sustained her in times past. She has to adjust to economic decline.

It can enhance her family relationship by making so many things easier. It can also be difficult if her mate hasn't signed on to the new agenda and adjusted along with her.

These are today's facts about women that are earning more money.

Wonder how these facts will change 10 years from now, looking back? Women working from home will be counted and the results can be as amazing and interesting as the ones just reviewed.

By : Lauren_B_Botney Justify Full

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