Friday, August 20, 2010

How to Stop Menopause Weight Gain the Natural Way

Are you experiencing early symptoms of menopause but not sure what you should be doing? Do not worry you are not alone there are hundreds of thousands of women who are going through exactly the same experience as you are and there is a huge amount of information available to help you get through this difficult period in your life.

You may have been experiencing some of these symptoms, hot flashes, feeling irritable, moody and not sleeping very well. These are just a small number of menopause symptoms that the majority of women experience in the early and sometimes late stages of menopause.

Now, this is a big thing for any woman your body is going through many, many changes and you will not have experienced anything like this before. Do not worry too much there are answers and some excellent natural treatments on the market, we will discuss some of these in this article.

You may have also noticed your weight has increased this could be due to menopause weight gain, if this is becoming a problem for you make sure you are extra careful with your diet. Menopause weight gain is one of the symptoms many women suffer from but this can be easily resolved and you will lose the weight you have gained.

First thing you must realise is that everybody is different and people suffer from menopause symptoms to varying degrees. The symptoms will generally be the same but one person may suffer badly in one particular area, for instance my wife suffered quite badly with menopause weight gain.

Have you experienced a dip in your sex drive? or has your sex drive increased, this can happen and its normal which way it goes nobody can say, but you will know the answer that that question, do not worry this is temporary and it will right itself in time.

So, what is causing all these things to happen to you, well the answer is simple, it's those good old hormones playing havoc with your body. We know from research that estrogens and progesterone can drop when you are going through the menopause, one can drop or both, again this will be specific to the individual, either way it's not nice and can cause distress and make you feel terrible, this will also be one of the reasons you are experiencing menopause weight gain.

You can see there are reasons why you are feeling the way you are, your body is very complicated and once things start to change during the menopause we can have a difficult time indeed.

So, what can we do about this, what options do we have to help us through the menopause? We have many options available today; there has been a lot of research on this subject and millions of pounds spent to get effective, safe and reliable treatment.

One of the remedies you should consider is natural herbal treatment; they have been used for hundreds of years and are proven to help with menopause symptoms, including menopause weight gain. Many of these natural herbal remedies are known as phytoestrogens; they come from plants and are a natural source of estrogens when they are processed by the body.

I highly recommend you take a look at the various natural remedies for the menopause, search the internet you will find invaluable information that will help you choose the right treatment for you.

I know this is a difficult period in your life, I remember my own partner going through the menopause and it was not easy, she was not happy with the menopause weight gain, however with the help of natural treatments and a healthy diet she got through it and came out the other end and so can you.

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