Friday, August 20, 2010

Naturally Eliminate Menopause Weight Gain

It's almost a guarantee that most women will experience one of the stages of life; menopause weight gain. You can eat right up to that point, exercise regularly but when menopause sets in the weight goes up. What went wrong?
There are many symptoms associated with menopause and the transition stage into it called perimenopause. You may or may not experience most of them but your chances of weight gain are highly likely as it is one of the most common signs of menopause.

Sorry to paint a bleak outlook for you but I'm also happy to say there is a way to reduce your chances of menopause weight gain and to also reduce any of the other uncomfortable symptoms you may experience. Best of all you can do this 100% naturally with no side effects.

First understand that when you first start going into perimenopause, your body is going to react as if an outside source is causing some form of stress upon you. This is an automatic reaction, almost a defensive mechanism if you will that the body naturally performs when the normal day to day condition is not normal anymore.

Over time your body is used to your normal daily routine and many of its functions act on memory to give you the needed energy daily to perform. One such function is your metabolism which among other things is in charge of burning off un-needed fat cells.

When the body detects an abnormal situation one function that can be affected is metabolism. It will slow down and store energy in the form of fat cells because it senses that it may be needed later to survive.

It does not matter what level of physical activity you have done up to this point, when menopause begins the body will react. A fluctuation in hormone levels is a natural part of menopause and it is the trigger that the various functions of your body are reacting to in defense, like metabolism. When your metabolism slows down, your weight is most likely going to rise due to the fat being stored.

Understanding this is an important part of understanding how you can naturally eliminate not only menopause weight gain, but most of the other perimenopause symptoms. You simply need to counter the course of nature with an appropriate level of change that gives your bodily functions the appearance of normal.

Today natural supplements have been developed from 100% natural plants. These herbal extracts stimulate the body to produce hormones naturally offsetting the fluctuations that will occur at the onset of menopause. Eliminate these fluctuations and you will eliminate the symptoms.

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