Thursday, August 19, 2010

How a Facelift Can Fight Aging

Nearly everyone will see wrinkles begin to appear, particularly along the forehead, near the corners of the eyes, and the areas surrounding the mouth. Some people dislike these changes and decide to have a facelift done.

Also called a rhytidectomy, this procedure can pull wrinkles taut, get rid of excess tissues and give a younger appearance overall.

As you age, you will probably notice all the small changes that take place. Sometimes there is a loss of muscle tone. Occasionally, you will notice areas of tissue which were previously firm but now seem almost as if they have a bit of slack.

Nearly everyone will see wrinkles begin to appear, particularly along the forehead, near the corners of the eyes, and the areas surrounding the mouth. All of this is a normal, natural part of aging.

Though normal and natural, it doesn't mean that you have to like it. In fact, some people dislike these changes and decide to have a facelift done. Also called a rhytidectomy, this procedure can pull wrinkles taut, get rid of excess tissues and give a younger appearance overall.

In addition to wrinkles and a lack of muscle tone, some people will notice areas where fat has accumulated. Eyelids may also seem to take on a hang dog appearance, occasionally to the point of affecting vision.

Due to the sagging of the skin in conjunction with the accumulation of fat, a person may appear to have jowls. These are all issues that can be modified during the facelift procedure.

A facelift usually starts with incisions along the hairline. Muscles which lie under the skin will often be situated into a better position and sutured into place. Areas of surplus fat can be removed at this time as well. This is a delicate process and the doctor will proceed in a manner which brings the best results.

After the appropriate changes and adjustments have been made, the skin is pulled back into place at which time excess is removed. After excision of the extra tissue, the surgeon will then suture the skin back to the hairline.

The entire operation averages around three hours. Additional questions about details of the procedure can be answered by a qualified surgeon.

The outcome of the operation is largely dependent on the condition of the person's skin condition, age, any existing health conditions. The length of healing time and is also largely dependent on these issues.

The surgeon will assess all of these subjects prior to scheduling surgery; he will also go over any problems that may delay healing time or affect the outcome of the procedure so that you may make an informed decision.

The decision to have a facelift done is not the right alternative for every person, but it can help the many people that make the choice to draw on the benefits of cosmetic surgery.

By : A_Aaronson

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