Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Getting Rid of Blackheads

Getting rid of blackheads can be quite a challenge because it seems like no matter what you do, they just keep coming back. For this reason, it is important to learn not only how to get rid of blackheads but how to prevent them so you don't have to keep dealing with the same problem.

First, to get rid of the blackheads you already have, the best method is simply to squeeze them. Yes, there are products on the market, such as pore strips, that claim to be able to eliminate blackheads, but these products often do more harm than good.

Pore strips don't do a very good job of getting the blackheads out, but they do remove some of your healthy skin. Instead of messing with these types of products, carefully squeeze the blackhead. Try to squeeze in such a way that pressure is applied from underneath, forcing the icky stuff out.

Now you need to know how to prevent a future outbreak. The most important thing you need to remember about blackheads is that they like oily skin. If you can keep your skin from getting too oily, you can easily prevent a breakout of blackheads. Use a clay mask once per week to remove excess oil from your skin and avoid wearing oily makeup.

If you must wear makeup, go with the oil control variety instead. This will cost a bit more, but your face will thank you for it. You can also apply salicylic acid to open up your pores and help with blackhead removal.

By : Ross_Campbell

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