Sunday, August 8, 2010

Types of Breast Implants

Breast enlargement is still the world's most popular cosmetic surgery procedure, helping women boost their busts to achieve more appealing proportions suited to their body type. However, patients choosing to undergo breast surgery should be aware of all the choices available to them - including the different types of breast implants.

The type of breast implant used in your surgery can depend on a number of factors, including suitability for your body, availability, and the preference of your surgeon.

Discussing their reasons for this preference can be an important part of your consultation before undergoing surgery, where you will have the opportunity to ask any questions about the procedure and learn precisely what it will involve.

The two main types of breast implants used today are silicone implants and saline implants, and each has its advantages.

Silicone breast implants are elastomer shells which are filled with silicone gel, and today's implants represent a significant improvement over those of decades past. While the term 'silicone implants' may have previously conjured negative images, the modern implants are more cohesive and effective at retaining their shape, as well as boasting a more natural feel.

Saline breast implants are silicon elastomer shells which are filled with a saline solution after their insertion. This means that saline implants can be inserted through smaller incisions that silicone implants, which require a larger incision to be made, due to being pre-filled.

Even opting for saline implants doesn't mean there are no further choices to be made, however, as your surgeon may use round, anatomical, smooth or texture saline implants.

Both major types of breast implants are highly effective at holding their shape over long periods, and are available in a multitude of shapes and sizes, making them ideal for many women. Not only do breast implants now look and feel much more natural than in decades past, but they are also a great deal safer, with less chance of fluids leaking into the body - and in the case of saline implants, the salt water fluid contained within could safely be absorbed into the body.

Breast augmentation surgery is a very common and popular procedure, but that doesn't mean patients should go into surgery unprepared. Taking time to learn about the procedure is a vital step for helping you decide whether breast enlargement is right for you, including factors such as the finance options available and the recovery time required after your surgery.

By : Daniel_Collins

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